Monday, January 5, 2015

Rental Rates

$388 per Wedding!
For a limited period only...

Recommended itinerary:

1. Morning arrive at Groom House. (Earliest 7am)
2. Fetch Groom to Bride's House.
3. Fetch Groom and Bride to Groom Parent's House for Tea Ceremony.
4. Fetch Groom and Bride to Bride Parent's House for Tea Ceremony.
5. Fetch Groom and Bride for outdoor photo (optional).
6. Fetch Groom and Bride to Hotel. (Latest 3pm)

Please Note:
1. Inclusive of driving down to your bridal shop for deco the day before AD.
(For town area only, email to enquire)
2. The above itinerary is a guide, details can be discussed.
3. Early arrival and/or extension can be discussed.(Charges applies)
4. Very flexible plan as this is a personal car.

Please see Terms and Conditions for important details...


  1. One of the cheapest and affordable rental for a continential car.

  2. The rate is really affordable for a Jaguar!


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